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Middle School
The St. Benedict Middle School program is a rigorous, comprehensive course of study designed to prepare students to succeed at a college preparatory high school of their choice.
Each grade level is led by a teacher who conducts homeroom classes and also teaches English Language Arts and Religion to their class. For the remainder of their core academic classes, the students move from room to room learning Science, Social Studies, and Math from teachers who specialize in those subjects. Each grade’s mathematics classes may be split into multiple groups according to the needs of the group.
Using laptops, iPads, and Smartboards teachers work with students to integrate technology into all the academic subjects. In addition to the subject areas listed above, students in grades 6 – 8 have the opportunity to enjoy a number of Specialist classes that include: Physical Education, Music, Library, Spanish, and Art.
Beyond academics our middle school students are challenged to be respectful citizens who are leaders in their school and community. Middle school students are required to perform service hours, be mentors for their younger “buddies,” and model our mission statement and school-wide learning expectations for our younger students.
St. Benedict middle schoolers are able to choose a new elective class each trimester. Discover your passions in Cooking, where you'll cook and enjoy crafting meals. Join Choir for a musical journey, exploring the world of music. Dive into Coding to unlock the mysteries of programming and see your ideas come to life. In Being Human, explore self-discovery and try to understand what it means to be human. In Leadership students develops essential skills, and Yearbook students help capture lasting memories. Our middle school program sparks students interests. Join us for an adventure in learning, growth, and self-expression!
Middle School
Middle School Aide
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