Welcome to the St. Benedict Catholic School community! Here, we believe in fostering not just academic excellence but also a spirit of unity and compassion. As you embark on this journey with us, you'll find that volunteering is not just encouraged; it's celebrated as a cornerstone of our community. We understand the profound impact that collective efforts can have, and we cherish the contributions of each individual. In volunteering, we discover the power of shared purpose and the joy that comes from giving back. Together, we create a vibrant tapestry of support, kindness, and shared experiences, strengthening the bonds that make our school a true community. Get ready to embark on a journey where education is not only about textbooks but also about building a nurturing and inclusive environment for all. Welcome to St. Benedict, where the heart of our community beats with the rhythm of unity and shared commitment.

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The Great Wallingford Bratwurst Festival is a community event, hosted by St. Benedict, to raise money for our school by bringing together the school’s families and the surrounding neighborhoods, for a fun, entertaining fall festival.
The vision for the festival is to create a safe community event where kids and adults have fun, while getting to know each other and giving back.
The festival includes live music from 16 local musical acts and bands, great food and beverages, bouncy houses, a “Fun Zone” filled with games for kids with fun prizes, a variety of crafts and vendors, a sweet shop, and an outdoor beer garden.
St. Benedict buddies are a long standing tradition. Older students are paired with younger students for many activities throughout the year. These include, monthly seasonal activities, sitting together at mass and reading together.
Peer mediators are middle schoolers who are trained to help elementary students at recess when there is a conflict, when help is needed and also direct and lead games when students struggle to find something to do. Peer mediators also eat lunch with the elementary students to promote whole school community and build relationships.
Step into the embrace of the St. Benedict Catholic Church community, where faith and fellowship intertwine to create a welcoming haven for all. Here, the vibrant tapestry of our community is woven with threads of compassion, shared spirituality, and a commitment to love and support one another. From the jubilant echoes of hymns in our sacred halls to the shared moments of prayer and reflection, each member contributes to the unique symphony that defines our community. Whether it's the comforting presence of familiar faces during Mass or the collective effort in outreach and charity, St. Benedict is more than a place of worship—it's a home where souls connect and spirits uplift. Join us in the journey of faith, where the doors are open wide, and the hearts within beat in harmony with the values that bind us together.
At St. Benedict School all students are welcome to participate in extracurricular athletics. The school utilizes the Seattle Archdiocese’s Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) to run its after school programs. Students compete against other CYO teams during each sport’s season.
CYO is committed to the dignity and worth of each child it serves, regardless of physical talents, mental strength, or emotional health, and hopes that the same respect for life will become a part of his or her value system. CYO wants each child to know that they are wanted and loved.
At St. Benedict Catholic School, compassion meets action as students passionately engage in a myriad of service projects, making a positive impact on the community. From organizing the annual Socktober drive to warm the feet of those in need, to spreading sweet sentiments with Candygrams that brighten both sender and receiver's day, these young hearts also spearhead impactful initiatives like Food Drives to combat hunger. Additionally, their thoughtful handwritten letters to those in need create a powerful connection, proving that small gestures can truly make a world of difference in the lives of others.
The purpose of the Parents’ Club is to bring about a closer relationship among the school, the home and the parish through combinations of volunteer work, fundraising, community outreach and continuing educational opportunities for parents.
Through fund-raising activities, the Parents’ Club contributes to the school’s operating budget and stewardship each year. These activities not only enhance the children’s Catholic education at St. Benedict by providing funds for essential school programs, they also provide wonderful opportunities to meet and socialize with other school families
The Parents’ Club also works to bring parents together for continuing education opportunities; learning and sharing timely parenting topics such as Internet Safety and Nutrition.
The Parents’ Club meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7PM and all parents and faculty are welcome to attend.
Officers 2024-25
Chair: Annie Kirk
Vice Chair: Jaime Lin-Yu
Treasurer: Maya Hughes
Secretary and Bratwurst Chair: Annie Quinn
Communications: Jivko Kolev
Events Coordinator: Keri Spier
After School Committee: Lisa Carpenter
Volunteer Coordinator:
Room Parent Coordinator: Nicole Adams
Parent Education Committee: Erin Ishizaki
Movie Night Coordinators: Crystal Norton
Non-Board Posts:
Jog-A-Thon: Chelsea Newby and Lisa Illingworth
Bear Wear/Merch: Keri Spier
CYO Director along with St Ben Staff: Jaime Lin-Yu (seeking replacement next year)